This evening when I got home from work I pulled out several very spikey, thorny bushes and poked my hands - despite my thick gloves - about 20 times. Perspiring, I piled the brush up and tied them off as best as I could and placed them nicely by the curb. I just hope that I've placed and tied them in a such a way that they take it all away.
I was bushed and tired by the end of this, and Spring drove home at that point. She'd been to the hair dresser to have her hair done, and it looks really nice! She's not sure yet about it, but I know that it will take a couple of days to settle in, before she's satisfied.
As Spring went into the house, she pulled out a box from the mail box and asked me to put it aside, while she looked at the other post. Then she very seriously asked if I could help her out and open the parcel -which likely contained a book for her.
When I opened it, I recognized in an instant that it was Roger Philip's Mushroom manual: "Mushrooms: A Comprehensive Guide with Over 1,2500 Detailed Photograph".

After my lawn work was all done and cleared away, I sat in the backyard with Monty. First I gathered up some mushrooms that had appeared in the lawn above some old rotting 4 x 4 planks. I haven't yet identified them, but I'll get to that...
Spring - my wife - is amazing. It was our 5th wedding anniversary this past weekend. We went out for dinner, talked for a long time, and when we got home we watched a DVD of our wedding and marveled at our clear memory of the events.
Soon the night began to fall, so I packed up, grabbed the beagle and we both went inside. More soon on mycological explorations. I am freaking out about this book... :-)
Thank you Spring,