But on second glance, the moss is beginning to emerge.
I'd like to gather some up, add some yoghurt, sugar, salt and some moss in a blender and slowly churn it up. Then I could use a paint-brush and innoculate various areas of the pathway and brick walls with moss - it'll grow as long as the right conditions exist.
Cardinals, sparrows, grackles, mourning doves, a hawk of some type (a kite?), have all stopped in a the bird feeder.
As the lawn begins to come into its own, violets burst out, and I know that I have to rake out the thatch, aerate the soil, scatter fertilizer and plant grass seed on the bare spots. I'll let nature take care of the start though.
On the edges, Lily of the Valley is beginning to emerge - soon fragrant white bulbs will fill the air with perfume.
Berries are building up, buds are opening.
Birds keep away from the thorns.
The sun catches the bright colours.
An old potato stalk signals to me that maybe there are potatoes under the soil still from last year. I don't know if they'll come up perennially. I won't look into it, I like surprises.
The rose bushes are slowly coming back to life.
A fragrant Hyacinth has opened by the back door.
Whenever we open the back door, the scent comes into the house.
The grape vine basket that I wove last fall has mostly broken down.
This year I'll learn to make stronger ones.
A foamy, crystalline sheath on the peach tree drew my attention.
Upon closer examination I saw a colony of very tiny caterpillars.
The pathway for us is looking good.
A critter has made a pathway of its own underneath the shed. I'm thinking it's a red-squirrel's home.
Birds are having a good time at the feeders - and soon the plants alone will be able to support them.

Life in the grass is coming back.
Snails and ants and pillbox bugs and others are returning.
Violets are here.
Soon I'll be thinking about mowing the grass.