Yesterday I went exploring my new neighbourhood with my friend Matt.
We initially made a run to McDonalds to have a breakfast, while Spring remained at home reading a great book on the long holiday weekend.
After the obligatory McMuffins and Orange juice, we drove to the park at the mouth of the valley, which delineates the conservation area.
We scouted it out to see if we would be able to ride our mountain bikes (yes we'll be able to), and gradually descended into the valley.
The narrow ridges topped with houses soon retreated and the broad leafy park opened up before us in a maze of trails through the forest.
Soon a creek revealed itself first by the sound of rushing waters...
...and then by the glint of the early summer sun.
As we wandered through foot paths through the grass and trees, we saw apple trees in blossom - they had old, twisted trunks, covered in vines and crowded with pines and birch trees.
This must have been an orchard in years past - it will be amazing to explore to see if there are any old farmstead buildings or traces of these.
This will be a great area to wander through with Monty in time, and I will be able to practise some skills in the bush.
Thanks for dropping by,
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