Water rushes through a sluice gate, making some really nice sounds and views.

This is the view from a pedestrian bridge over the channel.

Cattails thrive in old marshy sections of the water.

Red-Winged Blackbirds are all over the place, singing loudly.

I looked both ways before taking this photograph. I even felt the track to make sure there was no rumbling or vibrations. Not sure if that works, but I was on and off the track in seconds.

The track stretched both ways.

Spring is in the air and Robins hunted worms.

Swallows build their mud and wattle nests beneath a bridge.

Spiky bits.

More spiky bits. Anyone know what these are?

American Goldfinch. (Not a Yellow Warbler which is in the last set of photos, second last photo... I misnamed it.)

Cedar woods.

White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum).

Trillium erectum, the Red Wake-robin, also known as red trillium, purple trillium, Beth root or Stinking Benjamin.

White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum).

White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum).


A bracket fungus.

Big ol' bracket fungus.

Nice ol' bracket fungus.

Polypore bracket fungus (look underneath and you'll see the polypores - i.e. the many holes or pores).

Another Stinking Benjamin. I didn't make note of any smell however.

The Bur or Burl on this cedar was huge - it looked like a big menacing head. Or depending on your mood, it might look like a big delicious chocolate.
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