- A wood man's wanderings ow.ly/26saj
- Summit and Valley: Give me comfort: ow.ly/26saH
- MY HUNTING TRIPS: Watering Hole. ow.ly/26saY
- Boiling Water In A Birch Bark Container « Skills For Wild Lives ow.ly/26sbm
- 21st Day of the Rose Moon, 42 Winters « Wandering Owl Outside ow.ly/26sbM
- The Backyard Bushman » Semi-Recent Stuff :) ow.ly/26sc5
- Other people you might want with you for the zombie apocalypse | Dressed in Dirt ow.ly/26scc
- Gear Talk with Jason Klass: The History of the Camping Stove ow.ly/26sfp
- CABINET // Hot on the Trail ow.ly/26sg0
- Rowangarth Farm: Slim pickings ow.ly/26sgm
- Hiking in Finland: Gossamer Gear SpinnTwinn Review Video ow.ly/26sgG
- Rowangarth Farm: Garlic scapes ow.ly/26shC
- Boiling Water In A Birch Bark Container « Skills For Wild Lives ow.ly/26slV
- Summit and Valley: Give me comfort: ow.ly/26smM
- Ultralight stove options we're considering | Dressed in Dirt ow.ly/26GOm
- RT @LithicLabs: Back yard camping with the family twitpic.com/2279ee
- Bark River Bravo-1 Knife - CrystalFallsTradingCo.com ow.ly/26Jqm
- Berkey water filter ow.ly/26Jr6
- www.britelyt.com - BriteLyt Stoves Detail ow.ly/26Jri
- Bushcraft.se - Movies ow.ly/26Jrx
- Coleman Lantern Q&As ow.ly/26JrW
- Fire Piston: A Never Fail Way To Build A Fire In The Wilderness ow.ly/26JsE
- Billy Can MOD - Making a Handle using Brake Cable - Kit / Reviews ow.ly/26JsN
- Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. - Fire Making ow.ly/26JsZ
- KIOSK - Sami Reindeer Hide ow.ly/26Jt9
- Skookum Bush Tool ow.ly/26JtU
- The Hiker's Notebook ow.ly/26Ju5
- Used camping gear - OutdoorGearSwap.com - Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) ow.ly/26JuP
- Warmth and Shelter Survival Equipment ow.ly/26Jv2
- Akubra Hats from David Morgan ow.ly/26Jvy
- Backpacking Lite ow.ly/26JvM
- Fundamental Knowledge Of What It Means To Be An Educated Human ow.ly/27luD
- 24 Hour Solo Survival part 1 of 4 youtu.be/OWdxKKNFAuY
- 24 Hour Solo Survival part 3 of 4 youtu.be/iAGZD5keEAk?a
Roundup of Recent @mungobah Twitter Posts
Please see below for a daily roundup of my Twitter posts from @MungoBah:
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Now that my brain has been fired up and I am interested in reading again, I came across some cool camping resources on archive.org. The fol...
I have for many years dreamed of building a log cabin. From time to time I watch a video I burned to DVD - Alone In The Wilderness . It is a...
I am a member of the online forum BushcraftUK.com , a great place to learn, to share ideas, and to get to know other folks who are also inte...
The other night I was cleaning up my Carbon Steel Mora with a bit of fine sandpaper - the metal tends to discolour with regular rough use. T...
While going for a walk in the woods, or a wander out in the bush - canoe camping, hiking or just plain picnicking - it is important to have ...
Okay, following up on a recent post about emergency preparedness , picture this: your power has just gone out. It is the middle of winter, a...
The simplest way that I have found to catch a fish when camping is to start off with 5 simple items: a nice sharp knife - a carbon-steel Mor...
While browsing through Tim Smith 's Jack Mountain Bushcraft Network , I came across a thread started by Samuel Chapman . He picked up a ...