Were I to go camping for a week I would figure out exactly where I want to go - likely Algonquin Park - see a 5 Mb highly-detailed PDF map here.
And I'd then gather my gear together and pack it efficiently in a knapsack:
- tent
- sleeping bag
- self-inflating mattress
- hatchet
- fixed blade knife
- rope
- jeans
- shirt
- jacket
- boxers
- 2 changes socks - I can wash them if needed
- wind-up / battery radio - for the boring times
- novel
- Flashlight & batteries
- Lantern, stove and naptha fuel
- Garbage Bags, zip lock bags
- Mug, spoon, fork, cooking pot, frying pan
- paper towels
- Dish detergent in a small shampoo bottle
- Blanket for Monty
- Toiletries
- First aid items (bandaids, disinfenctant, antibiotics, pills galore)
- Matches
- Compass
- Emergency flourescent light sticks (2)
- Pencil, paper, book
- folding chair
- pillow
Pack my food nicely in plastic:
- Biltong
- tea bags
- cheddar cheese
- tortillas
- lemon drink crystals
- milk powder
- noodle side-dish packets
- bacon
- dog kibble
- dried mashed potatoes
- chili mix - dehydrated
- cooking oil (in a small water bottle)
- eggs
- tabascoe sauce
- pepper
- salt
- sugar
- Chocolate bars
- Oatmeal pouches, raisins or dates etc…
- Nalgene water bottle
- Hot chocolate and coffee mix with coffee whitener
- A nice Cuban cigar
- Mickey of good gin
Then I'd gas up the car, drive up there with Monty in the back seat (Spring prefers 5 star accomodation), rent a canoe, canoe for some hours, portage in a little way, canoe in the rest of way, pick a good spot, and make camp in this order:
- Shelter - set up tent wit sleeping bags and organize kit
- Fire - arrange fire pit, get firewood, start fire going
- Food - get cooking gear out and ready - along with lantern and cooking stove.
- Chair - Having eaten, place chair at water's edge for a nice view, bring gin and lemon-crystal inspired drink, and cigar and match. Bring blanket so Monty can sit beside me, bring some treats for him (he doesn't smoke cigars)
- Relax.