I think today we're going out to the book store to spend some of a gift certificate my parents got us for Christmas, and then maybe we'll see a movie.
Always nice to see a movie on the big screen.
Over the past couple of days I have watched Snow Walker, Into the Wild and a couple of Ray Mears Extreme Survival shows on the computer.
I am currently reading Guy Grieve's Call of the Wild.
I am about half-way through and I absolutely love this book. I highly recommend it to anyone interesting in winter survival and bushcraft and camping. Entertaining reading too...
Monty and I spent a little time watching the birds and squirrels in the backgarden a few minutes ago. He is worn out from the long trek into the woods last evening, and would prefer to lay about and occasionally perk up his ears.
A red-tailed hawk landed on the back fence and loitered around the bird feader.
It then took flight and careened off into the sky.
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