Paul Martin
- passionate
- believable
- out of touch
- rich experience
- lots to say
- confident
Steven Harper
- is a victim of countless ad hominem attacks by yours truly
- is a buffoon
- probably smells very bad
- has gas (appeared to during the debate)
- clasps his hands tightly together and rocks back and forth as he realizes that his henchmen have not prepared him for reasonable arguments against all of his decidedly-unsophisticated positions
- is an idiot
- is actually packing a handgun in his belt beneath his jacket
- petty and intellectually stunted
- evasive and dangerous
- possibly our next Prime Minister
- God save us
- God supports Harper's stand on handguns, and in fact packs a really large Smith & Wesson bigger than the Milky Way galaxy.
Jack Layton
- trying to sell me a car
- too much a 'politician'
- good ideas
- unseasoned
- doesn't really connect with people well - relies on theory too much
- spends a disproportionate amount of time grooming his mustache
Gilles Duceppe
- I suspect Eric Idle and him were separated at birth.
- seems a bit drunk
- not at all sure what he wants to do for us
- not sure why he talks about 'Canada and Quebec'... did anyone else pick that up?